Branding and packaging concept design for Patcorn, the first patented mix of chips and popcorns. The presence of heat-popped popcorns, thanks to their high percentage of polyphenols with antioxidant characteristics, positively enhances the nutritional components of the chips.

In this visual design version, the white and blue stripes (typical colors of the Mediterranean) become a way to identify the product. As a symbol, they remind of summer landscapes, of seafront tourist destinations, beaches, holidays and relax. In a word: wellbeing.

Client Patcorn | Studio Ciandreamy | Designer – Art Direction – Packaging – Print Valentina Ciandrini

The same stripes are also the typical stripes of the classic popcorn and chips containers which, in collective imaginatio, remind of entertaining and amusing moments (fun fairs, cinemas, parties). This way, the two major meanings that Patcorn wants to convey are put together: taste and wellbeing.


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